2020-2021 Budget FAQs
How much did the Miller 6th Grade Modular building cost?
Moving 6th grade to Miller was the final option selected after community input in order to comply with K-3 class size requirements. This was necessary so that we would not lose state funding. The potential loss would have been $750,000 each year. The good news is that we have been able to avoid that loss in state funding since we have been able to comply with the K-3 class size requirements.
The Miller Project was delayed into the fall in 2019 when additional engineering was required for the foundation. The change-order for that work was $200,000, yet the overall capital costs still came in under the amount appropriated by the School Board for the Capital Projects Fund. There was no cost over-run for this project.
How much money are we saving in utilities with schools closed?
A three-year comparison report shows that while there have been savings in some areas, total overall costs for utilities have not gone down this year.
The School Board has asked for a report that compares other high-cost areas, which will be presented at the July 21 meeting.
Why does the district expect a reduction in LEA?
Are the cuts necessary? Other districts don’t seem to be making reductions.
Response to inquiry about Canvas
Why does the Superintendent provide speech-therapy services?
Can the “fund balance” be used to help avoid cuts?
Now that School Board meetings are online, how can I offer comment?
What information are you using for the district budget?
Doesn’t the community pay for the music program with the levy?
The shortfall was about $2 million a month or so ago. What happened?
What about the CARES Act funds? Can’t they be used to save jobs?
There’s confusion about what the levy funds. How is it used?
How is the Fund Balance determined?
The number of RIFs seems like a lot. Can’t you wait for more information?