2023-2024 Fiscal Year
July 11, 2023 - Public Hearing
This document was presented at the Board of Directors meeting held on July 11, 2023 and summarizes the data presented in the DRAFT budget for the 2023-24 school year. It gives an overview of anticipated revenue and expenditures in the General Fund. DRAFT 2023-24 Budget Plan
F-195 Budget Document - Updated 8/7/2023
Form F-195 is the official school district budget document and must be filed with Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). All school districts must prepare, adopt, and file their budgets in the format prescribed by the Administrative Budgeting and Financial Reporting Handbook and be in accordance with the Accounting Manual for Public School Districts in the State of Washington.
The Budget includes estimated revenues, estimated expenditures, and estimated fund balances for each fund. The budget also includes total salary amounts and full-time equivalents (FTE's) for staff. Each district is required to submit the budget to their education service district (ESD) for review and comment. Each first class school district (>1,000 student fte's) is required to file the approved budget with their ESD. ESD's are required to review the adopted budget for each school district. Once the approved budget passes the ESD's review process, the ESD will forward the budget certification page with appropriate signatures and dates to OSPI School Financial Services. OSPI will perform a final review of the approved budget for each school district before filing and/or approval.
The budget draft was brought to the Board at a public hearing on July 11, 2023. The final version of the budget will be brought to the Board for public hearing and adoption on July 25, 2023 at the regular Board meeting.
The budget summary document (a condensed version of the full budget document) that was adopted at the July 25th Board meeting is linked here for your review.
F-195 F - Multi Year Projection - Updated 8/7/2023
The Legislature implemented a Multi-Year projection that is to be submitted with the required F-195 Budget form. This projection covers a four year span with estimated revenues, estimated expenditures and estimated fund balances for each fund and will be linked here when available.
MSOC Disclosure - Updated 8/7/2023
The MSOC Disclosure form is intended to let the community know how much of the Materials, Supplies and Operating Costs (MSOC's) are being funded by the state and to let them know how they will improve student achievement and will be linked here when available.