Food Allergies and Special Dietary Accomodations
Dietary Accommodations
If your student is participating in our meal programs and would like to request special dietary accommodations, please fill out the "A Request for Special Dietary Accommodations" form (see below). If you have submitted a special dietary accommodation request in the past, please contact Food Services if there have been any changes.
A request for Special Dietary Accommodations form must be completed in its entirety and signed by your student's physician (or a licensed health care professional authorized to write medical prescriptions in Washington State). Please download the form by clicking on the link below. The completed form must be turned in and reviewed by the family, school nurse, and Food Service Director before Food Services can make adjustments to the published menu to meet a special dietary need. Please return the form to your students' school.
Este documento incluye informacion importante con respecto a los beneficios alimentarios de su hijo/a. Si necesita una dieta especial para su hijo/a, asistencia adicional, o que se traduzca esta informacion a otro idioma sin costo, comuniquese con nosotros al.
Special Dietary Needs Parent Information
Request for Special Dietary Accommodations
Special Dietary Needs Parent Information - Spanish
Request for Special Dietary Accommodations - Spanish
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose-free milk or plain soy milk is available to students with a Lactose Intolerance without a diet prescription.