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Phone Communication

Non-Urgent Communication Needs

Need to make a quick non-emergency phone call to non-english speaking family?

Is your Bilingual Paraprofessional or Teacher available and do they speak the language?

YES, have your Bilingual Paraprofessional or Teacher make a 3-way call with you on the line

NO, Contact Interpretation and Translation Department to set up a time to call faimly in a 3-way call

Urgent or Emergency Communications

If urgent or emergency, please use CTS language link telephonic service. 

Urgent Communication Assistance

  1. Dial 1-888-338-7394
  2. Enter account number (xxxxx), followed by the # sign
  3. Select 1 to connect diretly with a Spanish interpreter, or
    • Select 2 to connect directly with a Russian interpreter, or
    • Select 9 for all other languages
  • If you require a 3rd party call, press 9 to reach a Customer Service
  • Ask your building administrator for district account number