Request an Interpreter
Conducting a Meeting and need an Interpreter?
Can your Bilingual Paraprofessional or Teacher help with this?
YES, and if during the Bilingual Paraprofessional or Teachers Normal work hours - Schedule meeting using Bilingual Paraprofessional or Teacher as interpreter.
YES, AND if NOT during the Bilingual Paraprofessional or Teachers Normal work hours - Submit an interpreter request indicating that you have arranged for your bilingual paraprofessional or Teacher to interpret, and then instruct them to submit an interpretation & Translation Services timesheet for additional hours
NO - Submit an interpreter request (at least 14 days prior to meeting) to email addres on the form ofund on Service Request forms link. An interpreter confirmation will be emailed to the requester as soon as an interpreter is assigned. If an interpreter is not available or does not speak the needed language, an email will be sent confirming use of CTS Language Link Telephonic Service
When requesting an interpreter:
- The interpreter can only perform functions related to the scheduled meeting.
- The role of the interpreter is to facilitate communication by converting from one language to another what is said by the Teacher of Record/ Local Educational Agency and the family. The interpreter is not permitted to answer questions on their own, analyze data, give suggestions, etc.
- Per compliance and monitoring, the interpreter is not permitted to read or summarize Parent Rights. The Teacher of Record/ Local Educational Agency must explain the rights to the parents.