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Teaching and Learning

The heart of our work is the learning and teaching that occurs every day in our classrooms. The Aberdeen School District curriculum materials provide a focus for this work along with our Washington State K–12 Learning Standards and Guidelines.

Teachers and administrators are working in Aberdeen to implement research based strategies for powerful teaching and learning that will engage all students to achieve at higher levels. Professional Development centers on supporting all staff to understand the theory and practices associated with the powerful teaching and learning strategies.

Assessment is essential to measure student learning and to modify our instructional program. The administration of district and state assessments provides data for the educational decision-making process.

A variety of programs and services assist all learners to be successful, including our Highly Capable Program, Special Education, LAP, Title I and other federal and state programs. Teachers and students use technology as part of the learning process.

Professional development is based on the belief that staff members are learners who continually work to improve their performance in the classroom, and in support of classroom needs.

In the Aberdeen School District, we take great care to provide high quality curriculum, programs, professional development, instruction, and assessments to provide opportunities for our students to achieve excellence.

Assessments and data help teachers determine how to meet each and every child’s unique and individual needs. Tutorials, interventions, and other district-wide programs allow staff to provide better quality instruction.

We are dedicated to helping all children learn and we believe that every child can be successful in school and beyond.

Contact Information

Traci Sandstrom, Director
(360) 538-2123

Jamie Stotler, Program Director
(360) 538-2030

Grace Hagen, Office Coordinator
(360) 538-2037


Stewart Building
900 Cleveland Street
Aberdeen, WA 98520