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Nutrition and Fitness

Nutrition and Fitness in the Aberdeen School District

Childhood obesity is a health crisis in Washington, and across the United States. The problem begins with unhealthy eating and physical inactivity. We invite families and community members to work with us to enhance the well-being of our district's youth.

Eating habits don't just happen. They are developed through a lifetime of exposure to foods and eating experiences. The Aberdeen School District is committed to providing school environments that support healthy food choices.

We are also working to emphasize the importance physical activity at all grade levels. The documents below are the district's policies and procedures for nutrition and fitness.

Nutrition and Fitness Documents

Aberdeen School District Nutrition and Fitness Procedures
Aberdeen School District Nutrition and Fitness Policy

Implementing the Policy - Ideas to Help

Maintaining an environment of healthy choices has an influence on more things than you might think. Providing healthy options in our schools means we need to consider what we sell to raise funds, rewards, incentives and foods sold in vending machines. The links below provide suggestions for healthy ways to earn money or provide rewards