Collective Bargaining
Collective bargaining refers to the negotiation process between a union (on behalf of the bargaining unit it represents) and an employer to work out an agreement that will govern the terms and conditions of the workers' employment. The agreement reached through this negotiating process is called a collective bargaining agreement (CBA).S
School employee collective bargaining is governed by state law (Chapter 41.59 RCW for teachers and Chapter 41.56 RCW for classified staff).
In the Aberdeen School District, we have six unions, and we work with each employee group to negotiatie and update CBAs:
- Aberdeen Education Association (AEA)
- Public School Employees (PSE)
- Aberdeen Athletic / Activities Association (AAAA)
- Food and Transportation
- Maintenance and Operations (AFSCME, AFL-CIO)
- Aberdeen Association of School Principals (AASP)