Business Office Forms
NOTE: Some browsers may not allow you to save the form if it is filled out in the browser window. For best results, save the pdf file and fill in the form using Adobe Reader.
If you have questions about our facility use, please contact the Administrative Assistant for the Business Office, at 360-538-2010.
The facility use request process has changed. Please visit the new Facilities & Rentals page for more information.
Prior Approval Form and Instructions - Travel for out-of-district events where the employee will be submitting reimbursement for travel expenses (mileage, hotel, meals, registration, etc.) requires completion of the Prior Approval Form. Please complete the prior approval form and submit to the district office with supervisor and/or program signatures at least 15 days prior to the date of travel.
For more information on district travel and reimbursement, please review Policy & Procedure 6213/6213P.
In-District Mileage Reimbursement Form - Expense Reimbursement (Policy 6213) Updated 1-14-17
Please note that in accordance with Procedure 6213P, "Any travel expenses that are not submitted within 30 days of the date of return will not be honored unless special circumstances warrant the delay".
Please be sure to print the In-District Mileage Reimbursement Form and Travel Reimbursement Form for supervisor authorization.
Travel Reimbursement Form, Travel Reimbursement Form (excel) - Expense Reimbursement (Policy 6213) Updated 1/22/2025
Please note that in accordance with Procedure 6213P, "Any travel expenses that are not submitted within 30 days of the date of return will not be honored unless special circumstances warrant the delay".
Please be sure to print the In-District Mileage Reimbursement Form and Travel Reimbursement Form for supervisor authorization.
Bus Driver Timesheet - Timesheet for Bus Drivers
Classified Supplemental Timesheet - Timesheet for Classified Staff
Student Worker Timesheet - Timesheet for Student Workers
Grant Request Form - The Grant Request form needs to be completed and submitted to your Administrator prior to applying for funding from any source outside of the school district. This is in compliance with Policy/Procedure 6102.
Fire/Emergency Drill Form - Emergency Drill Reporting Form
Suspension & Debarement Certification -
W-9 Form - Links to W-9 Information Page
L&I Intents & Affidavits - NEEDS UPDATED
L&I Prevailing Wage Rates - NEEDS UPDATED