Portrait of a Graduate
Adaptability - Responsibility - Confidence - Critical Thinking - Communication
A community of confident critical thinkers who are adaptable, responsible, and effective communicators.
Our Students
- Demonstrate flexibility
- Practice open-mindedness
- Overcome barriers
- Embrace diversity
- Engage in lifelong learning
Our Students
- Live Honestly
- Follow through
- Own the outcome
- Act with integrity
- Honor commitments
Our Students
- Believe in themselves
- Take risks
- Empower others
- Reflect on experiences and accept feedback
- Embrace failures/successes as an opportunity to grow
Critical Thinking
Our Students
- Ask questions and seek to understand
- Collect, assess and analyze relevant information
- Develop meaningful solutions
- Identify, define, and solve real-world problems
- Consider local and global implications of actions
Our Students
- Engage in active listening
- Adapt to the needs of the audience
- Clearly articulate thoughts and ideas
- Build and maintain a positive online presence
- Effectively use oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills