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Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping

Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping

The district complies with all legal requirements for record keeping regarding the application of pesticides to school grounds or school facilities. This includes creation of an annual summary report of pesticide usage and compliance with state department of agriculture rules regarding record keeping. These records are available on request by interested persons under the State Public Records Act and other laws.

Definition of Pesticide

A pesticide is defined as:

  1. Any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, control, repel, or mitigate any pest.
  2. Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant; and
  3. Any spray adjuvant, such as a wetting agent, spreading agent, deposit builder, adhesive, emulsifying agent, deflocculating agent, water modifier, or similar agent with or without toxic properties of its own intended to be used with any pesticide as an aid to the application or effect thereof, and sold in a package or container separate from that of the pesticide with which it is to be used.

Use of Pesticide Substances in the District

The school district will use the Integrated Pest Management Program to control insects by improving the vitality of the turf and beds to preclude the use of chemicals to deal with infestation.

Products Used:

  • Weedar, a 24-D based herbicide, available over the counter at any home and garden supplier, is used to control broadleaf weeds such as dandelion. Application will be once each year while students are out of school.
  • Crossbow is used to control blackberries and salmonberry bushes and is applied primarily in the summer as to lessen exposure.
  • Roundup is used to control fence line weeds and for killing any unwanted vegetation. Special care is used to minimize contact with students, staff, or the general public.
  • Capril is the product name for the lime used for changing the PH of soil to heighten the effectiveness of the fertilizers applied.


Application of herbicides and pesticides will be made only by employees knowledgeable about the use of application and who have been trained in order to be licensed by the state. In the case of any large infestation, the district may contract with commercial applicators.


At least 48 hours before the application of a pesticide to school facilities or school grounds, the district shall notify parents and staff of the planned application in writing, including the heading, "Notice: Pesticide Application." This notice shall be posted in a prominent place in the building office in addition to being provided to parents and staff. This pre-notification is not required if the school grounds or facilities will not be occupied by students for two days following the application of the pesticide. If the application is not made within 48 hours of the notification, another notification shall be made prior to the application. The pre-notification is not required in the case of any emergency application of pesticides to a school facility such as an application to control stinging pests, but full notification shall be made as soon as possible after the application.

Following the application of a pesticide to school facilities a sign shall be posted at the location of the application. The notice shall be at least 8.5 x 11 inches in size, shall include the heading, Notice Pesticide Application, and shall state the product name, date, time and specific location of the application; the pest for which the application was made; and a contact name and telephone number. The notice shall remain posted for 24 hours, or longer if required by the label of the pesticide.

Following the application of a pesticide to school grounds notice shall be posted at the location of the application and at each primary point of entry to the grounds. The notice shall be at least 4 x 5 inches in size and state that the landscape recently has been treated with a pesticide and provide a contact name and telephone number. The notice shall remain posted for 24 hours, or longer if required by the label of the pesticide.

These notices are not required for the application of antimicrobial pesticides (substances used to sanitize or disinfect for microbial pests: viruses, bacteria, algae and protozoa). These notices are not required for the placement of insect or rodent bait that are not accessible to children.

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