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Student Conduct Policy

Student Conduct Policy

All students are expected to obey all rules at school, during the school day, as well as during any school activities conducted on or off campus. Special rules are also applicable while riding on a school bus. The following rules of conduct have been adopted by the district and are subject to disciplinary action by the school.

Respect for the Law and the Rights of Others - While in the school, the student shall respect the rights of others. Students who involve themselves in criminal acts on school property, off school property at school-supervised events, or off school property are subject to disciplinary action by the school and prosecution under the law.

Alteration of records - A student who falsifies, alters, destroys a school record or any communication between home and school shall be subject to corrective action.

Cheating - Any student who knowingly submits work of others represented as his/her own shall be considered to have cheated. Cheating also includes the aiding and abetting of cheating by others. A student caught cheating shall be subject to corrective action or punishment.

Attendance - A student shall not be absent or tardy from classes without an approved excuse. Such a student shall be subject to corrective action or punishment.

Alcohol, Chemical Substances and Tobacco Products - A student shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, be under the influence of, or show evidence of having used any alcoholic beverage, illegal chemical substance or opiate, or tobacco product.

Disruptive Conduct - A student shall not intentionally cause a substantial and material disruption of any school operations. Illustrative of the kinds of offenses, including, but not limited to are:

  • Occupying a school building or school grounds in order to deprive others of its use;
  • Blocking the entrance or exit of any school building or room in order to deprive others of passing through;
  • Setting fire to or substantially damaging school property;
  • Using, or threatening to use, firearms, explosives or other weapons on the school premises, including use by an unauthorized student of a personal protection spray device, or use of such device in other than self-defense as defined by state law;
  • Preventing students from attending a class or school activity;
  • Blocking normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic on a school campus;
  • Interfering seriously with the conduct of any class or activity; and
  • Gambling or encouraging other students to gamble

Damage or Theft of Property - A student shall not intentionally or with gross carelessness damage school or private property.

Extortion, Assault or Causing Physical Injury - A student shall not extort anything of value, threaten injury or attempt to cause physical injury or intentionally behave in such a way as could reasonably be expected to cause physical injury to any person.

Leaving Campus During School Hours - A student shall not leave the school campus during the school day unless excused by the school office.

Loitering - A student shall be expected to leave the school campus at the official close of the school day unless permission to do otherwise has been granted.

Vulgar or Lewd Conduct - Any lewd, indecent or obscene act or expression is prohibited.

Weapons and Dangerous Instruments - A student shall not possess or transmit any object that can reasonably be considered a firearm, air gun or a dangerous weapon. Students over eighteen years of age and students between fourteen and eighteen years of age with written parental or guardian permission may possess personal protection spray devices. No one under eighteen years of age may transmit such devices, nor may they be used other than in self-defense as defined by state law. Possession, transmission or use of personal protection spray devices under any other circumstances is a violation of this rule.

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